December 25, 2008

Our End-of-Year Newsletter is now available! Click here to read about how we’ve supported the FreeBSD Project and community this year.

FreeBSD Foundation president, Robert Watson, recently presented a Foundation status update at the MeetBSD 2008 conference in Mountain View, California. You can listen to Robert’s talk on YouTube, by clicking here.

The FreeBSD Foundation is very pleased to announce the next in a series of developer grants. The project involves making improvements to the FreeBSD TCP stack. Click here to read more.

We are pleased to announce continued funding of the network stack virtualization project, made possible by a grant from NLNet. Click here to read more.

We’re pleased to announce our first funded project from the accepted project proposals. Click here to read more. We will be announcing other projects soon.

Announcing a new Fund-raising goal for 2008. Our dollar amount is the same, but we’ve added a new goal of 1000 donors for this year. This incentive is to help us maintain our public charity status.

We are kicking off our End-of-Year Fund Raising Drive! Our goal this year is to raise over $300,000. Go to our Donate Page to find out how to make a donation.

We proudly sponsored NYCBSDCon Oct. 11-12, EuroBSDCon Oct. 18-19, and meetBSD Nov. 15-16.